Being organised

Where is my file? I cannot find my earphones? I can’t find my clothes!!!These everyday situations arise for most of the people who find it difficult for themselves to be organised. 

Some find being organised as boring, uncool,etc. But, this is not true. People who are at big jobs are organised. Actors whom we praise are organised. Sportspersons are organised.

 There is nothing wrong in being organised. And it’s not as hard as it seems to be. Just keep one thing in mind: STOP PROCRASTINATION. I will keep these earphones back to their place later. I will wash clothes later. This later leads to never and leaves you with lots of pending work.

 Being organised saves a lot of time, and you never lag behind in anything. It’s important to be organised because “For every minute spent organising, an hour is earned”.

Author: shrucom

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